Are you a homeowner still deciding whether you really have to purchase a log splitter? If so, then you have definitely found yourself reading the right blog.
Really needing a log splitter is a situation that you can easily identify, as you’ll yourself that you have to split wooden logs frequently. If you don’t like how much time and effort it takes to split wood manually, you should definitely go for a log splitter. Budget is another factor that is helpful when you’re pondering over do I need a log splitter.
In this guide, you will get to know all about log splitters, do you really need a log splitter, how much will a log splitter cost, and more. Continue reading to get all the answers that you are looking for.
Get a log splitter to make life easier
Do I need a log splitter is something that many homeowners wonder when they’re splitting logs. Not just that, there are many questions that users have to think about concerning the cost, use, and more. There are many things to consider when you’re wondering if getting a log splitter is something you should do. Considerations like the upfront cost, gas or electric log splitter, what size of log splitter do you need, how much log will you be splitting, and more should be thought about. Whether you need to get a log splitter, one thing is for sure, a log splitter will definitely make life easier for you and your log-splitting needs.
Do you really need a log splitter?
There are multiple reasons why you need a log splitter, and there are barely any for not owning one. Unless you’ve got a tight budget and cannot afford one, only then should you go for a manual axe or any cheap tool instead of a log splitter. The amount of time and effort a log splitter will save should be a big enough reason to get one instantly. Not having to spend a lot of time splitting logs the old way would free up your time to do other things that you’ll much rather do. By the time you have split a few rounds with a manual axe, you would be done for the day with a log splitter.
If time is of the essence for you, then you must go for a kinetic log splitter, as these powerful tools have amazingly quick cycle times. It’ll turn 3 hours of splitting down to an hour, with cycle times that are as low as a second.
Sometimes, when you’re splitting wooden logs using an axe or a maul, you might come across logs that you cannot cut through. Regardless of how much you try and the number of attempts you make, some logs will be too stubborn for an axe.
This is the case unless you’ve got a strong log splitter that can split through stubborn logs. For an average homeowner, a decent 22-ton log splitter will be more than good enough. Moreover, it is a great entry-level machine as it’ll provide ample splitting force while also allowing you to go through the most stubborn of logs. Another great thing about a 22-ton unit is that this is where they start being more towable while also having the popular feature of splitting vertically. A 22-ton machine is recommended for homeowners who are looking to split 10 cords or more per year and require a lot more power.
How much do log splitters usually cost?
While it is well and good to say that yes you need to get a log splitter, it isn’t as straightforward as just going out and buying one. When you consider the upfront cost of some of these log splitters, it can be a bit daunting and even off-putting for many people. This is a genuine concern for many people. The high-end log splitters can cost as much as several thousand, but on the other hand, you can also get a decent log splitter for a few hundred dollars. Ultimately, it’ll come down to knowing exactly what you need and what you don’t need.

While there are different types of log splitters available that range from a few hundred to thousands of dollars, before making your choice, consider do I really need a log splitter. There will be no point in purchasing a log splitter if you’re only going to be using it a couple of times per year. Instead, you could just go out and rent one for that day. However, if you’re going to be relying on firewood for heating your home or if you just love campfires, then buying one will be the smart choice. Purchasing a log splitter will definitely be one of the best investments that you can make this winter.
Do I need a heavy log splitter, or will a light log splitter do the trick?
The question that every homeowner needs to be answered is, do you really require a heavy-duty log splitter? If you are only going to split around 1-5 cords per year that isn’t too knotty or hard, then you are unlikely to require such a huge machine. For people who have very little splitting work to do per year, using a 7-ton log splitter will be enough. 7-ton log splitters are capable of doing the majority of household splitting needs.
Most of the 7-ton log-splitting options will not cause a dent in your pocket either. You might be surprised at the amount of speed and power that you can generate with a machine that costs a few hundred bucks. If it sounds like a lot, then there are a few things you need to consider.
A small upfront cost will save you a lot down the track. It will be significantly cheaper to buy your own log splitter than it would be to keep on renting a log splitter over the years. If you know that you will have to be reliant on firewood for your home, it’ll make total sense to invest in a high-quality log splitter from the get-go. Remember not to go too cheap, or you might end up having to pay significantly more eventually.
The other thing that you will need to consider is how much it’ll save your body over the years in comparison to the axe. While swinging an axe is definitely cheaper financially, it certainly is not cheap when it comes to the toll it takes on your back, legs, and shoulders.
Who uses log splitters?
There are three categories of log splitters for different types of users – Consumer grade for splitting woodpiles at home, Prosumer grade for durable and larger splitting jobs, and professional-grade log splitters for forestry professionals.
Are log splitters worth using?
Log splitters are definitely worth using, but it’ll depend on the type of job you’re doing. For an average homeowner, it’ll definitely help you split your winter wood before the snow comes around.
Are log splitters any good?
Yes, log splitters are incredibly useful for both professional foresters and homeowners who burn wood during winter. If you buy the right type of log splitter, these powerful machines can be very convenient and efficient to use.