Do you want to buy a log splitter, but before buying you want to know how long does it take to split a cord of wood with the machine? If so, then you’re in the right place at the right time.
To split a cord of wood with a log splitter, there is no definite answer when it comes to time. The time it takes for splitting a cord of wood with a log splitter will depend on the tool you are using and what type of wood you’re splitting. You will be able to split a cord of food in almost 6 hours, or so if you’re using a maul. Meanwhile, you can easily split 5-6 cords easily if you’re using an electric or gas-powered log splitter. A chainsaw can also help in splitting logs quickly with minimum effort.
In this article, you’ll get to know all about splitting a cord of wood, how long does it take to split a cord of wood with a log splitter, what is the cost to split a cord of wood, and more. Continue reading to get all the answers that you’re looking for.
How much is a cord of wood?
The average American homeowner isn’t aware of exactly how much is a cord of wood. It is important to know that if you’re living in a woody area, or you have to regularly split wood for heating. If you aren’t aware of how much is a cord of wood, there could be confusion with your calculations.
A cord of wood is basically 4*4*8 ft., which means it is 4 ft. in width, 4 ft. in height, and 8 ft. in length. Remember, a cord of wood needs to be neatly stacked and with proper dimensions. A large, loose pile of logs cannot be called a cord of wood.
How long does it take to split a cord of wood with a log splitter?
There are three key points or factors that you’ll need to consider for determining how long does it take to split a cord of wood with a log splitter –
1. The tools that you’re using for splitting
Axes – If you’re splitting wooden logs manually using an axe or maul, then it’ll take you countless hours to split wood on your own. There is a wide variety of axes available in the market that you can go for. If you’re living in the woods, and you don’t want to invest in a costly log splitter, using an axe for splitting might be a bad idea.
Manual log splitter – A manual log splitter is an old-fashioned way to split wood, but it is also cost-effective and needs no gasoline engines. Nowadays, manual log splitters are extremely compact and easy to carry around.
Hydraulic log splitter – Hydraulic splitters will be powered manually, pumping the handles back and forth. The hydraulic piston will be the key, forcing the wood through the wedge and splitting the wood in no time. They are also cost-effective in comparison to electric or gas splitters.
Power wood splitters – For power log splitters, you’ll require electricity, gas, or diesel as fuel to run the motor. They’re very effective but a bit on the expensive side, and you’ll require fuel or electricity in the area to keep them working. If you are running a wood-selling business, you need to have one of these splitters to get the job done.
2. People involved with the splitting
The more people who are involved, the less time will be needed to get the job done. You’ll have to hire people if you’re running or are involved in a wood-selling business.
3. Type of wood you’re splitting
This is an important variable, as some types of wood are really tough with knots and require more time to split. Fresh wood will require more time to split as compared to dry wood. Experienced woodmen always season wood so that they get moisture content below 20% and split them into small pieces to be used as firewood.
How many logs are there in a cord of wood?
A cord of wood is around 128 cubic feet and there need to be 1536 board feet to take the cord. According to Google calculations, 1 cubic feet are around 12 board feet. If you consider the above calculations, a cord of wooden logs should have 7 logs of 18 inches on the small end and 16 feet long.
Remember, you’ll need to consider other variables too like 128 cubic feet isn’t only about solid wood as there are gaps between logs when the wood is stacked in a cord.
If you’re looking to measure a cord of wood, you’ll have to know that the standard volume of the cord will be around 128 cubic feet. The amount of wood present in a cord will depend on the average size of each wooden piece of a stack. Under normal circumstances, the cords of firewood can be measured around 85 cubic feet of solid wood, as the rest of the space will be covered by air.
How many cords of wood can be split in a day?
To answer this question, you will first have to think about the tool that you’ll be using to split wood. Axes these days are pretty handy and cost-effective for splitting wood and stacking it neatly.
Another key point worth noting is what type of wood you are looking to split. Dry wood will take less time compared to fresh or wet wood for splitting. There are some types of wood that are hard and require more effort and a power splitter to do the job with ease.

Say that if someone is splitting wood manually with the help of a maul, starting from cutting the tree, splitting the wooden logs, and stacking them, then it’ll take almost 6-7 hours to split a single cord of wood. Meanwhile, if you are using a powerful log splitter, then you can cut almost 3-4 cords per day easily.
If you are looking to find out how long it will take to split a cord of wood, it will depend entirely upon the tool that you’re using and the type of wood you are cutting. You will be able to split a cord of wood in six hours manually using a maul. You can split 5-6 cords of wood easily if you’re using a power splitter, electric, petrol, or diesel-powered log splitter. The chainsaw will also be able to help split quickly with a minimum of effort.
What is the cost of cutting and splitting a cord of wood?
If you are looking to purchase a cord of wood, it’ll cost you around $120-$180. The cost will vary depending on the type of wood, and the price will be even higher if the wood is seasoned well. During winter, the prices can jump up to almost $220 to $400 per cord. The factors that affect the cost include –
- How clean is the wood
- Uniform size of each piece in the wooden cord
- If the wood is seasoned properly or not
If you’re looking to cut a tree and split wood for getting a cord of firewood, then the main expense will be the tool that you’re using for splitting. The cheapest tools are the axes, and a high-quality axe can cost almost $50 to $150.

Someone who is looking to do the job quickly can opt for a decent electric log splitter. You can purchase it for around $250 to $500. Other equipment will include a pair of safety gloves helmet and a small truck for transporting wood from one place to the other.
Thank you for reading. Hopefully, now you know a lot more about splitting a cord of wood, how long does it take to split a cord of wood with a log splitter, what is the cost to split a cord of wood, and more. To split a cord of wood with a log splitter, there is no definite answer when it comes to time. The time it takes to split a cord of wood with a log splitter will depend on the tool you are using and the type of wood you’re splitting. You’ll be able to split a cord of food in almost 6 hours or so if you’re using a maul.
Meanwhile, you can easily split 5-6 cords easily if you are using an electric or gas-powered log splitter. A chainsaw can also help in splitting logs quickly with minimum effort.